
Orbis Internship:
Prerequisites: Orbis Project-Based Experience highly recommended
This course is designed to help students enter a path that leads to highly skilled occupations. The experience links secondary and postsecondary education with business and industry to provide a seamless career path through school-based and occupational-based learning. Students are expected to take initiative for their own learning as they seek to gain valuable experiences and explore potential career paths. The internship experience is independent in nature with minimal instructor support, and is designed for students to be responsible in completing course requirements and meeting deadlines.
Orbis Project-Based Experience:
Prerequisites: None
Orbis Project-Based Experience empowers students to unleash their passion, realize their potential, and impact the world. Project Mentors (teachers) team up with Project Providers and Workforce Experts to equip the next generation of creative problem-solvers. In this course, students:
- Co-design their learning, engaging in personalized experiences.
- Engage in authentic project work with the workforce.
- Collaborate with the workforce and peers from multiple high schools.
- Are empowered as young professionals
Elements of the course include Design Thinking, agile project management, and leadership development. This course may be repeated for credit.
Career Exploration and Development
Career Exploration and Development is a one-semester, blocked program for students looking for real and authentic learning experiences to see and explore career opportunities across industries. The program is designed to develop professional skills and behaviors expected of employees; while exploring the opportunities available through employers with informational interviews, job shadows, and more. The concentration is on helping students see what career opportunities are available, develop skills toward careers of interest, and identify potential work-based learning opportunities for future semesters. Students who enroll in this course must be able to provide their own transportation to exploration experiences (job shadows, site visits, career fairs).
This course meets two periods per day and students will receive two credits.
Teacher Academy: Internship in Education
Prerequisites: Must be taken the same year as Intro to Education
Teacher Academy is for students who have a special interest in working with children and are investigating going into the field of education. Students will spend two days each week at the Orbis building and three days each week completing a practicum at a local elementary or middle school. Daily attendance is a top priority. Students who enroll in this course must be able to provide their own transportation to schools.